April 9, 2020 - My first story, 'Daniel's Friend' is now online.
April 20, 2020 - The first two chapters of a new story, 'Baxter and Josh on the Run' are now available.
May 1, 2020 - The third chapter of 'Baxter and Josh on the Run' is online now.
May 16, 2020 - And the fourth chapter of 'Baxter and Josh on the Run' just went live.
June 17, 2020 - The fifth chapter of 'Baxter and Josh on the Run' is available now.
July 21, 2020 - And chapter six of 'Baxter and Josh on the Run' is online.
November 18, 2020 - Chaper 7 of 'Baxter and Josh on the Run' is available.
February 14, 2020 - Chapter 8 of 'Baxter and Josh on the Run' has just been uploaded.